
How to advertise... uhm... not the right way!

The 'beschermd tegen anti-ddos' literally translates to 'protected against anti-ddos'

So then I can DdoS the living shit out of that those services and will be protected against the anti DdoS stuff....?! 🤣

  • 1
    well.. kimsufi 😶
  • 6
    maybe they are scared, that when they actually would advertise for ddos protection. That they would be heavily ddosed.
  • 1
    and connectet to a worldwide network? i wouldn't want a webserver which isn't connected to the internet. 😄
  • 2
    Some years ago I saw a furniture advert that advertised a computer desk as having a "CPU holder" — which would make it a decade or two ahead of its time :P
  • 0
    Wow, looks really cheap
  • 1
    Kimsufi is verrrrrryyyyyyyy bad. They have older hardware than SYS and it's prone to failure
  • 2
    Most of the Dutch on that page makes zero sense
  • 1
    Hahaha, lol
  • 1
    Marketing done right.
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