I've realized I'm so busy working with technology, I don't have time left to keep learning it and playing with it. What are some fun ways you all keep learning new things and staying engaged?

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    @FrodoSwaggins o.O I feel... so... inadequate now..
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    @FrodoSwaggins I didn't evwn set up properly ma laptop.. I have zilch time/will after work to do something IT related..
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    @sladuled don't feel that, to each his own path. Not that one is better and others are bad, just be very good in your own path, whenever I see people like @FrodoSwaggins post all those shiny stuff I just get inspired that I too can accomplish my own stuff for my own needs, which is pretty much what Frodo said, but in different ways.
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    @gitpush @FrodoSwaggins (: Thanks for encouragement!
    But yes, I am trying not to use electronics (well it is obviously not working) due to too much time spent at work behing computers.. And I actually wanna learn to crotchet? So if I manage to do sth, I will post it here xD
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    @sladuled waiting to see you ranting about it 😀
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    @gitpush first rant: this is NOT a STARTER KIT 😂😂😂😇
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    @sladuled 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Your boshi your style 😂
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    @sladuled right? @frodoswaggins, I aspire to your ambitiousness. I thought I was doing well combining tv time with working out (can hold a squat for an entire episode of NCIS before getting bored)...
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    @sladuled Hey, I can teach you how to crotchet!
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    @AnonyOps thanks for the offer, but I think it is unwise to make someone else cry too xD
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    @FrodoSwaggins I have a pull up bar and various resistance bands on doors in my room... I look way more fit than I really am, but it saves setup time
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    @FrodoSwaggins ehhhh... You're probably right. But I'm not nearly where I should be for the amount of junk food I eat
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    @FrodoSwaggins I'd make it maybe day 3
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    @FrodoSwaggins EXACTLY! Except I'm 40 pounds more...
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    @FrodoSwaggins lol. Thanks :)
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