
For our robotics team we have a college professor (if that's what you even call it) who is teaching our programming subteam how to code the robot in c++. Whenever we mention git he goes on and on about how git is too confusing and we shouldn't use it even if we used pull requests.

What the actual fuck

  • 2
    when you can make a machine move with code, then git is surely a piece of cake to learn. 😲
  • 2
    Your professor is an old dog who doesn't want to learn new tricks, sad to say.
  • 0
    @ewpratten shall we take over the team? @SoulSkrix has a good point. Maybe if anyone else is on frc and they can send our team emails about how amazing git is that would help. Lol
  • 1
    if you need to convince someone to use git, show off gitkraken.
    works everytime with my non dev graphic designer colleagues.

  • 1
    @heyheni he keeps saying it's low priority and that merging is a mess. I don't think he understands git whatsoever or GitHub
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    @n3xus do a petition, collect all your classmates signatures. go to the headmaster bring the petition list and solid arguments on why it is a bad idea not to use version controll in devs teamwork. If the others in your class don't know how to use git, ask the head master for an half an hour you do the teaching git. Include your teacher in this.
  • 0
    I hate git too. I use the git integration in visual studio and it has done everything I need. Source control is vital but I feel source control should be a utility that just works. I know I am dumb and probably wrong.
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    @heyheni we are a highschool and no one wants to mess with the team or change anything because it apparently "just works how it is"
  • 0
    The kids can open accounts and start using it themselves. Git is a good place to showcase work. I use it to share tutorials.
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