
Best girl i've met.

I attended a CMS Conference last month(I don't use a CMS, i'm just interested with the topics about DevOps and UI/UX). I met this pretty lady ( I find her cute and awesome.) who's one of the speaker, she talked about design principles and applying it to BEM with SASS. After the talk, i asked her some questions about her dev't workflow like what tools she used and some best practices. Our conversation went well and exchange some of our knowledge and ideas also i introduced her to devrant (She's a wordpress user, i showed to her how the community hates WP, idk if she registered). After her talked we separated ways and ended seeing again after the conference as she's looking for a cab going to a mall (Same directions where i'm heading to), We talked again and decided to have dinner together. I felt like she's the best girl i met as she's into TV shows i like (Silicon Valley and Mr Robot). We added ourselves in FB and saying goodbye to each other. After a week or two, i just found out that she already into a relationship and it broke my heart.

I guess im back to the start, but i'm happy that i made a new friend.

  • 4
    Feels bad man
  • 5
    Stay in touch you never know what will happen down the road.
  • 15
    Murder her boyfriend
  • 7
    How did you disguise your disdain when she uttered those words (WordPress)?
  • 7
    I met my now wife when she was in a relationship, Sooooo... A good alibi and a shovel can do wonders for relationships
  • 4
    Goddammit, I was really liking the story
  • 1
    Sometimes you just sense these things. I knew that about my hubs of 27 years. Make up an excuse to ask her a question in a few days. Meet at a coffee shop to discuss business. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
  • 1
    I think people forgot how to flirt and court someone. Do in such a way that if she is dedicated to that guy then, hey just being professionally friendly.
  • 0
    God damn.
  • 1
    It wasn't meant to be....she's a wordpresser - you'd have woken up to a ready made breakfast made from your cat
  • 0
    Last two lines 😔
  • 1
    She had dinner with you in what kind on plan??... be around sometimes, do not put yourself in the friend zone aight? Invite her to the movies... ask her to go by night not too late, around 18-20 o clock... but do it smoothly, tell her about upcoming movies and what do you like and ask her, if she agree then you have good chances.
  • 0
    Damn dude, but it's just fine what you've said in the last two freakin' line. Thanks to this. Maybe i'll find some another friend who she is also interested on what i am doing.
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