brave browser… smh.

i read through the whole homepage and you put "open source" at the bottom

next time please start with that

  • 4
    Looks like they aren't brave enought
  • 4
    if I login to Google on chrome then I'm also logged into Google on brave. that is not how it should work...
  • 4
    @balte what. Why. How.
  • 1
    "Open source" has absolutely 0 meaning to 99% of all users. 90% don't know what it means and 9% don't give a damn.

    Get your OSS religion together and get the duck out of the part of the Internet meant for everyday users.
  • 0
    @Huuugo the fuck? so many devs care, and browser is obviously made for developers who want privacy
  • 0
    @QueenMorgana ehh if I'd have to take a guess it's probably some shared library coming from Linux. Brave is essentially just chromium after all.
    regardless, I've replaced it with Firefox + ghostery after a few weeks. just works better.
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