
IIS is a piece of shit. Windows is for playing video games and looking at stupid memes, not for real work. Defenders say that wInDoWs SeRvEr Is PoWeRfUl REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, but it only appears powerful because microshit took all of the things that normal servers can do easily, split it up nonsensically, and hid it in bizarre places in an overdesigned and FUCKING CONFUSING set of config menus. No one can change my mind about this.

  • 8
    I remember when MS was trying to sell Windows NT Server. However, all their websites were running on Unix platforms. You could tell using a browser IIRC (might have been a different way). When people pointed this out they quickly made it so you couldn't tell anymore.
  • 4
    I'm slowly coming round to switching my laptop to Linux... Most of my gaming at the moment is on switch. Everything else I do would run better on Linux. But... It's a faff...
  • 3
    @Demolishun lol. That’s the opposite of dogfooding! 😂
  • 6
    @atheist take the plunge, you won't regret it. As for the games, I've had almost zero issues with steam on voidlinux. Proton/wine has come light years from where it was in the early aughts, and most of the other software I use either runs natively or has adequate replacements.
  • 1
    @-red inscryption at the moment which is... Interesting... And OctoDad
  • 0
    This is the best rant ever
  • 0
    @ana0147 how much money do you get for lying and is it worth it?
    And do you have a conscience?
  • 1
    after today, I feel especially fucking vindicated. Suck it, Microsoft!

    #crowdstrike #lol #omgwtfbbq
  • 0
    Microsoft products = Average

    Microsoft users = Average

    checks out
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