  • 0
    What the actual fuck apple
  • 3
    Apple's iNnovative way to make People upgrade their phones.
  • 1
    What could possibly explain the battery replacement causing an increase in CPU clock? Sounds weird.. Broken battery causing a permanent ’power saving mode’?
  • 0
  • 2
    @spongessuck @anamus they say they do it on purpose because old batteries can't output enough power for full speed. Might be true, sounds like a bullshit excuse to me. Other phones do not have this problem..
  • 0
    The os automatically throttles the cpu if the battery is not providing enough power without providing any visual feedback to the user.

  • 1
    Hmm, interesting.. The actual facts & reasons behind are up for speculation, as usual..
  • 0
    It’s because the batteries can cause your phone to shut down at 40% because of CPU usage.
  • 0
    That’s what they say, but who knows. Perhaps. :)
  • 4
    Don't know why all the hate? Its not like they make a living out of selling new phon... Oh wait... Shit!
  • 1
    @anamus It’s a real problem that affects Android phones—since they don’t limit the CPU when the battery degrades, the phone shuts off unexpectedly at ~10%.
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