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    *People who think electron is a valid desktop application platform
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    An anthropologist would consider the first row as false.
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    @AlgoRythm i agree, but the folks at microsoft got it very.....very right with vs code
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    @AlgoRythm whats the Problem with electron?
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    @scroach it is very slow because your applications runs within a Webbrowser.
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    *People who think electron is good.
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    I dunno, I think it's perfectly valid if your apps code base is developed primarily as a web app and you just want to create a richer desktop experience with some added functionality. Also speed wise it doesn't seem all that bad, Discord one of the most polished VoIP apps and is available as an electron desktop app.
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    @fox8091 yeah I'm not saying electron is perfect, and for disk utility apps it doesn't make sense, but for ones like I've described that are web apps first, electron can be a nice way to give a bit more functionallity to the app/give it a nicer desktop feel. As for the chromium instance, it would be nice if it could share though.
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    @hexc It's generally good design to make a desktop version of your application rather than forcing a web app to run on desktop.
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    @papierbouwer well JavaScript isnt that slow and if that's your only concern... most apps arent processing intense anyway and you won't build a video encoder or encryption app with electron.

    For most other use cases it seems pretty valid since it's easy to use and you can build fresh and modern interfaces which might not be that easy otherwise
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