
Can anyone tell me if is normal a design department earn more than a IT department??? Am I crazy or this is plain stupid???

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    Have you ever wondered why people buy paintings for millions?

    Its a creative work mate!
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    @htlr I can be creative in programing.... if that is the problem. 😈 The IT department has more responsabilities than the design department.
    For me, both departments need each other so the wage has to be the same.
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    @snap trust me, Designing is not an easy job.. Especially UX. You need to bang ur head around a few couple of time to get it straight and satisfying... I know programming is hard too...but this is business 😂✌️
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    Depends on what falls under "design." Design is a whole lot more than just "making things look pretty." It can even include deciding what the heck your team is going to make in the first place.
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    And programming is a lot more than "just making things work" it has a lot more thought behind it like maintainability, performance, security... The list goes on...

    @rjedlin @htlr
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    @azous Who said otherwise? I was quoting previous comments.
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    Don't know, @snap was saying that the reasonable thing to do was to have both departments equally paid but the comments seemed to think he was undermining design work when he was actually no wanting to have the dev work undermined
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    @azous Thank you! Exactly.... simple.
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    I see what you mean. I'm not sure the fact that designers get higher pay is exactly undermining dev work. Companies tend to be pickier about their designers and hire fewer of them. A bad dev can make things suck internally, but a bad designer makes everything suck, since their decisions determine what other people will be working on. The consequence is that it's harder to get employed as a designer, but the pay is higher since you have to be more senior. It's not saying devs aren't worth good pay, since comparing across the seniority these companies ask for, the pay is about even.
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    @azous I know, but users are least bothered about that. I agree, A good code base is always a blessing and it need a lot of work to achieve. But the payment part is entirely upon a company's priorities. A good design can make everything better in the eyes of the outside world. Tbh its the face of the product, If the company's products are something that doesn't require design much like cloud intensive or saas the programmers will get paid more, but in a service based company, The design takes the lead cz the fate of the product depends upon them.
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