Commander Gaius and his fucking pig

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    Well that sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. The consensus seems to be that pigs as cavalry mounts would be more problematic for their own side than for the enemy, so I expect the Commander will get his comeuppance sooner rather than later.
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    @donkulator fuck I feel like I can do any boss but this bacon riding asshole
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    @nosoup4u that bitch with the crazy 20 move combos? Yeah she was nuts
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    @nosoup4u but even that boss with her fucking spammy combos and special anime moves in the next half doesn’t hold a candle to just how ridiculous captain pig is. The hitbox is not only way too big but it’s inconsistent (which to me is the WORST sin).

    This boss is way worse than the fucking godskin duo and the Elden beast.
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    Try fighting him on torrent. I defeated him on foot, but many people seem to have success on horseback.

    Also if you have Knight's thunder spears those wreck him hard.
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    @CoreFusionX thanks man!! I don’t know what it is with this boss!!! I’m at scadutree 15 and came close to beating the infamous Messmer at level 12 and here I am three levels later and I STILL barely manage to get this fucking random ass boss down to half hp.

    I’m at ng+4 (or 5 I forgot which exactly) so maybe that’s part of the problem.

    I mean his moves aren’t that complex right??? Yeah he has that crazy combo but it’s tell is damn obvious so you can run in advance. But he still kicks my ass.

    What i fucking hate about dragons and animal riders is the running requirement. Especially with gaius bc when he charges his amazingly fast pig he goes the distance, it’s like I have to run an extra mile just to get to him even with all my armor stripped away and once I reach him he either starts a combo string or if I’m lucky I get a chance to hit him and pray he doesn’t counter my attack with a headbutt or another charge.
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    I’m on the fence as to whether I should deem this the absolute WORST boss in Elden Ring as a whole base game and dlc inclusive. Maybe on par with the godskin duo and the Elden Beast which were simply horrible bosses
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    WTF MAN!!! This putrescent knight boss is another fuckface on a horse that I gotta chase!!!! And I can’t use torrent so I have to play a fucking game of Tom n Jerry chasing this fucking mouse and even when I keep up he counters with a horse roar WTF is up with these damn bosses that ride around it’s fucking annoying and I’m about to fucking throw my controller through the window 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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    Does every fucking horse boss require you to be some fucking gold medalist track star??? Its asinine!!!
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    Putrescent knight is tricky because his animations are deceiving. Many times it seems like it's winding up an attack whereas in truth he's giving you a massive window. Pay attention to the moves and you'll learn to notice it. It's particularly obvious after his double spinning hit.

    Fire wrecks it hard too, so since you already beat messmer go ahead and slap flaming thrust into some weapon and fire away!
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    @CoreFusionX he’s weak to fire? I’ll try that.

    I almost beat Messmer at 12, haven’t faced him since bc I wanted to explore the land more and take a break. With my 15 tree level I sure have strong potential to beat him!

    But damn these saddle bosses are driving me nuts! I’ll count Elden beast as an honorary saddle boss since he likes to run around and barely leave room to attack!!
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    Well, haven't tried with Gaius, but for elden beast (much less frustrating now that you can use torrent), just slap black flame tornado into something, and it literally melts 😂. Like, it only took 2 casts.
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    @CoreFusionX thanks, I’ve already beaten the Elden beast boss numerous times to make it to multiple new game pluses and my focus is on the dlc, still lots to do (I haven’t even faced bayl the big dragon yet )
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    @CoreFusionX before turning the game off to catch some zzzzs last night I started doing way better against jack skellington by ditching the hammer and using a great sword.

    And we can both agree using a mega hammer with a slow windup against this boss isn’t the best approach 😂😂😂😂!! I don’t know what crossed my mind when I wanted to use this against a boss with such a tiny attack window!

    The hammer is good for big giants who also have slow windups but big hp capacities like those trolls or enemies with weak poise
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    @CoreFusionX double KO 😂😂😂 (can’t post multiple imgs sadly)
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    Hahaha, congrats.

    Those go from rage inducing to extremely satisfying when you realize that even if you die the boss stays dead too 😂
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    @CoreFusionX I had such a huge fucking panic attack when I fucking died to that Hail Mary move this boss killed me with!! It doesn’t help remembrances aren’t listed in order of bosses faced so I freaked out when I didn’t see it listed last bc I thought the game didn’t let me keep it lol
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    @CoreFusionX my heart goes out to all who felt the pain of double ko’ing against malenia

    Luckily i never had that but damn if that happened to me it would be my controller’s last day
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    @CoreFusionX did this fight on two legs and one giant crusher. Mmmmm let’s put that hog on a spit
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    Got this trophy buck
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    @CoreFusionX but hey something tells me they the devs knew this boss would be a challenge bc there’s a huge chalice of scadutree elements that unlocks after the boss is defeated. We know Ymmv with Elden ring bosses, not every boss works out for everyone. I’m a bad fit for mounted bosses, anything on an animal even a simple tree sentinel is hard mode for me. My brain has a huge learning block when it comes to these types of bosses
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    Yeah, Gaius is essentially a charging tree sentinel.

    Anyhow, congratulations. From the sound of it, you only have two optionals left.
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    @CoreFusionX you beat him on two legs as well? What build? Im a 68 str 55 end 50 dex 21 arcane rest is small sauce with beast champ armor, giant crusher great hammer + 25 so im basically Hercules lol. Of course with 10 int my IQ is too low to do any magic, my guy is a dumbass warrior animal

    I had to equip bloodhound step, I never used it before but man roll dodging that fucking charge consistently is insane, and I can block it but drains my stamina so fuck it.

    ng+4 or 5 forget exactly
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    I gotta say bravo to fromsoft, haven’t beaten the dlc and still have some left of it but the bosses in this dlc are damn fun with 2 exceptions (the putrescent knight and captain pig, those were absolutely horrible). I still haven’t capped Messmer but that’s a quality boss, probably one of the best in Elden ring.

    Only thing I don’t like about him is his lack of tells in some of his spear thrusts, they come out almost instantaneously, with long reach and one needs the reaction time of a mongoose to evade it. I might need to ditch my twin katanas and block more with a great weapon so I can react quicker as blocking is faster than dodging. But
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    Yes I killed Gaius on foot. My build was 60 Vig, Str and End mainly.

    Great sword and great shield.

    Traded with him. I won. XD
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    @CoreFusionX that’s a smart way to get it done lol.

    Damnit I came close to Messmer a few times, like one hit left. Fucker read me when I was in my dragon wave attack bc I jumped when he jumped and he got a free hit in!!

    What’s worse psychologically, getting your ass beat or coming close enough to kill the boss with a tree branch only to die trying…
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    @CoreFusionX finally finished off snakeman last night. Let’s celebrate with a comical vid (you should check this channel out)!!

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    @CoreFusionX another double KO lol Halloween came early facing this jack o lantern
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    @CoreFusionX another double KO lol Halloween came early facing this jack o lantern
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    @CoreFusionX another double KO lol Halloween came early facing this jack o lantern
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    @CoreFusionX another double KO lol Halloween came early facing this jack o lantern
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