Wanted to make an account on Payoneer to get paid from 99designs for the stuff I make there.

Entered my password, got error.
"Please use only the latin alphabet, a-z and 0-9"

SERIOUSLY, it's banking stuff. how can they not allow secure passwords? *sitting here, crying"

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    my bank has an upper limit of 10 characters wtf
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    @kompiuter Even the PIN I use to allow every transaction has more than 16 characters
  • 3
    Just used PayPal and paid the shitload of fees because I really don't want an account with a Bank that doesn't allow me to use special characters in my passwords ^^
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    bruh my online banking had a 5 digit pincode... I switched banks after that. look, it's not that horrible considering the "great" second factor, but considering that the mobile app uses the same pin... no 2fa on that. the second factor literally is the only factor you need fml
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    @erasmuswill ofc the second level auth is more important because without it you obviously can't make transactions

    But seeing that I have a bank account already and this would be a second business-account from a company I don't know that makes a really shitty and insecure impression by having these rules for passwords.

    it's just an additional risk I'm not willing to take seeing the bad impression it made.

    I would have liked the option to use global transaction, I'd rather pay 5€ more fees with PayPal, at least they make the impression to be safe :D

    used impression way to often.
    impression impression impression
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    @valentindiehl with my old bank, you had to confirm login and every transaction with a pin and a dialogue box in their app, except when you are using the app. then it's full steam ahead
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