
This image is still the best explanation of a project.

  • 13
    Worst part is it's so accurate
  • 6
    The even worse worst [1] part is that it's still true when you code your own stuff and are all of those.

    [1] Worstest?
  • 2
    I'm sick of top right.
    Others I don't give a damn.
  • 0
    Painfully true :(
  • 0
    pretty cool visualization of the issue.
  • 0
    Lol I've always loved this. The first two kill me, so true.
  • 0
    I've sat in meetings where we're brainstorming ideas for a product and there are veteran decision science and analyst types who are speaking in the jargon of their industry and us developers are having to somehow decifer what they're saying in order to build something meaningful. Its stupidity.
  • 0
    @Elkstorm you should mention starting from 0 or staying from 1
  • 0
    You get the "double-click to ++" tip after you did it. Right, that was useful :D
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