TL;DR: working too fast is as worse as working too slow

3 months ago the team leader left.
Sincee then, me and another dev are sharing his responsibillities.

Me and him used to do a lot of testing.
(In our team, the devs test and CR each other)

Now that he left, I often find myself sitting without anything to do - because I did all the available tasks and no one tested them or gave feedback.

Sitting with nothing to do feels aweful.
My manager sits behind me, so i cant sit on devRant or Twitter without feeling bad about it.

  • 2
    Ask if there's anything you can help your coworkers with?

    Take some of their tasks, maybe pair programming?

    If there really is nothing, sure there are some stuff to refactor and polish? :p
  • 2
    @lotd Well i wish we would be working like that, but they are all working on the tickets assigned to them and rarely do a pair programming
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    @purpletoxicrain I'd probably just go for it anyways, see what happens .. :D

    - but that's probably just me.. in a nutshell :p
  • 0
    @lotd well, I cant explain you why not.
    unless you are from Israel or a jew :P
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