
Normally when someone calls in and I pick up, they either don't call from an authorized number and get mad when we I don't give information, ask for advice and then say that it isn't logical and ask for a different answer or are just stubborn as a motherfucker.

Then I suddenly get a call from someone who I can verify easily, listens carefully to my answers and thanks me in the end.

Where can I get more of those clients?!

  • 3
    If you have Devs as clients, that will solve most of your problems.

    Now, think what you should work on to make all Devs as your clients.
  • 5
    @github Tbh, the devs are the worst in our case :/
  • 3
    @linuxxx tell some anecdotes :D
    Let me guess: mostly they think they know the exact reason for the issue.
  • 1
    @linuxxx why so? Some instances?
  • 9
    I hate that.
    I once worked in a store (physical store) and people came in and wanted the products on a invoice instead of paying them directly. And when I asked for an identification (like passport, driving license) some people said "what the fuck do I need that for, it is me"

    In one case I just said - "no that's me" and the person got speechless realizing how dumb he was. I wish I did that to more customers.
  • 3
    @github They expect us to know/fix stuff relating to code while we're (except for me and one other guy) only sysadmins. They can get quite mad about that.
  • 2
    @linuxxx let them fix their systems. They will know the difference.

    And why on earth will someone think of sysadmins for fixing up broken code. (I am not saying they can or cannot code, they are just not recruited and paid for doing that part)
  • 1
    Devs do that all the time.
  • 1
    @namenlossss I don't do security stuffs professionally.

    I'm a Linux support engineer. So customer support and Linux server engineering :)
  • 5
    When I worked in tech support, I absolutely adored getting calls from people running linux.

    I couldn't walk them through anything because I wasn't familiar with anything but Ubuntu back then, but I rarely ever needed to. They'd call, tell me the issue they were experiencing, provide me with their IP and MAC and any other relevant details, and I'd fix it. The calls never took longer than five minutes, with the median being around two.

    By contrast, the average Windows user took 8-12 minutes, with the occasional dimwit eating 30+ minutes of my life.
  • 2
    @Root Sounds about right :P Count your blessings though... There's a ministry of defense somewhere running Windows XP...

    My profile says my location but I know everyone here will be a good boy and won't look (#security) ;)
  • 2
    @RickDiculous179 in Slovakia there is this "National Security Office" - "Národný Bezpečnostný Úrad" the password to "admin" was literally "nbu123" and running on XP
  • 3
    @D3add3d ..........

    "How is the fucking world still running??"
    Is a question I ask more and more :P
  • 2
    @RickDiculous179 there are enough smart people who keep it running by fixing things that dumb people broke
  • 1
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