Cards Against Humanity online game server

Project Type
Existing open source project

Cards Against Humanity online game server

I'm talking about Pretend You're Xyzzy which is a famous game based on CAH and has been developed by ajanata. The server hasn't been updated in a while and it's a shame. I'd like, with some of you, to maintain it by creating new updated servers. The plan is to rewrite a great part of the game logic and hopefully create a new web interface (moving away from JSP). An app for Android is also available (created by me) and adding some extra features like user accounts would be a very nice touch. The currently up and running game is at http://pretendyoure.xyz/. Our game is running at http://pyx.gianlu.xyz/ thanks to @AL1L who provided a server. Anyone who wants to contribute can start making pull requests.
Tech Stack
Java, HTML, JS
Current Team Size
  • 2
  • 0
  • 1

    Sounds interesting will look into it later this day.
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    I love cah! 📌
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    Oh, there are people using jsp without being forced to?
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    @BindView it's a 4 years old project
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    . *tacticat dot*
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    Currently working on the frontend. Redesigning to be sleeker and use Material Design. Anyone interested in working with it, please let me know.
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    Right now HTML mockups are being done in the material-ui branch. We're not doing JSP, it's actually not even needed. We're hooking AJAX up to the pages with JS after they've been designed.

    Currently, design is being done with MDL. More info on that can be found on getmdl.io. @Gianlu is hooking the mockups up with the server he's redone with my mockups, and I'll probably help with that when I can.
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    Also we don't have a host (yet). If someone wants to put this up somewhere once it's finished, a few friends of mine already have shown interest in it. I don't have money to host it 😞
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    @mgagemorgan I'll try to raise some money with my app when we'll have additional functionalities providing them to the users in the app.
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    Definitely interested in helping out
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    @matteodem if you want to join our Discord server, contact me: @gianlu#6745
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    I can help with frontend design if you're going to revamp the ui!
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    @ttelge We're doing material design using MDC - I'll post some screencaps
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    The themes component @gianlu added works
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    Cardcast browse
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    Viewing decks works also
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    One of the goals is to work on mobile browsers as well
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    Here's the main screen:
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    You can use the aforementioned Cardcast Browse to find codes to pop in here:
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    I've documented a fuckton of work here, have a look:

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    @mgagemorgan Looks great! I'm going to clone a copy into my Intellij IDEA and see how much I can comprehend of the code
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    We're up to one of the last hurdles - the game itself. We're using HTML and JS for server comms - no JSP here. We use AJAX to communicate with the servlets.

    We've come a long way - unfortunately I haven't had as much time to struggle with this as I'd like, but...thanks to @gianlu for keeping it going! I do step in every once in awhile but college classes fucking suck the life out of me and most of my spare time is spent studying, unfortunately.

    This is a project I've been thinking about since AT LEAST 2015, so I'm glad to see others want to see it come to fruition - a material design and mobile-friendly PYX is insanely awesome!!
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    @ttelge Awesome! One of the last priorities I have is to get the chat and scoreboard into the hamburger menu. When this game gets played on mobile, the last thing I want is that HUD that was in the original taking up valuable screen estate.
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    Games are operational!!!
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