I love windows...

  • 12
    Who the hell actually has uppercase letters in filenames? I feel sorry for you, man ;-)

    Edit: README and other documentation not taken into account ofc
  • 6
    @wildebeest What else, all lower case? No thank you, I like my file names to match the name of the class they contain.
  • 1
    Yeah had a Captialize problem with windows too, about two weeks ago. There was a config.custom.php and a Config.custom.php I pulled from git

    Windows just ignored it and didn't pull anything
  • 0
    @wildebeest some frameworks require Captialized filenames. For example PhalconPHP
  • 5
    Two files with same names just capitalization differences sounds like not good idea tbh.
  • 1
    I thought I busted my external hdd.. I used to edit pictures in linux mint and put ? in folder name...wasn't able to copy it to computer when using windows a couple of years later.. Had me panicking, buying new external drive for backup (photos & music) copying fresh.. crying over G & Gs of personal files.. still error.. Went copying folder by folder to figure out what data I lost.. then it hit me..
  • 3
    Why would you even want to config.php files.... that'd confuse the heck out of the next maintainer..

    if it's a class to parse configuration, call it config.class.php for instance.
  • 9
    I think its good. Having files with same names is confusing.
  • 0
    @wildebeest i got upper cause they are classes.
  • 0
    The thing guys, it's that we are (my class group and I) making a web app.

    That files are some files for the MVC, the Config with C is the class with some methods and the file i want to create (config with c) is the file with the name, password, database name for the connection to the database.

    I know i could change the name for other, but that change maybe make some problems.

    Btw , thanks for comment :) !!!

    // and fuck windows //
  • 0
    @localjoost I am so terribly sorry.

    I have to work in React now, and guess the naming convention for components...
  • 0
    @wildebeest hehe, called it
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