If you don't have

1. Chronic depression.
2. Episodes of pure mania.
3. Low self esteem.
4. Superiority complex.
5. Drugs/Pills dependency.
6. Identity crisis.
7. Mind numbing migraines.
8. Carpal tunnel.

all of the above at the same time, can u even call yourself a software developer?

  • 1
    Low self esteem? I thought solving all those small issues gave devs a god complex.

    How to know if a depression is chronic anyway. Don't let someone say that it's gronic, it can pass. I got told once that I'll always be an alcoholic - even when not drinking (you'll always think about it). Very motivational. One random day, left the bottle and not thinking about it all. Point is - as long you didn't lose a leg or smth, you don't know if smth is for life.

    To answer your question: sure. I have no idea what a carpal tunnel is
  • 2
    I don’t have any of those. Unless you count caffeine as a drug dependency.
  • 0
    @AmyShackles caffeine is a substance, technically. But you don't have the rest of them, so no you're not a real dev. Sorry not sorry lmao.
  • 0
    @AmyShackles btw your name is the most racist name I've ever seen. You're white and your surname is "Shackles". Be honest, you own slaves, don't you?
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy Pretty sure we were the ones shackled, not the ones doing the shackling, mate.
  • 0
    @AmyShackles Lmao, I couldn't get over your name when I first saw it. Just kidding.
  • 0
    finally understanding some of Sidney's disconnect w\reality

    1. Chronic Depression
    Syd- mistaking borderline (+general self-hatred) as depression?

    me- idk if i can b depressed. im too logical+adhd(coping via multitasking\hyperfocus dev) or maybe convincing myself im not depressed...

    2. "pure" manic episodes
    syd- most clinical criteria
    major deficit in social or occupational functioning, elevated or expansive mood, mood lability, impulsivity, irritability, and grandiosity- alas, episodes arent constant

    me- def no, past 9mo a neurologist or shrink wouldve noticed

    3. low self-esteem
    syd- DUH, it's why u try so hard to be a bully-- adorable

    me- no, statistics&quantified opinions of friends\randos\foes=my self-esteem

    4. superiority complex
    syd- no, u cant even convince u

    me- too complex, stats win

    5. dependence
    mental or physical?

    syd- yup, mental

    me- yup, physical

    6. ID crisis
    syd- i hope... emerge anew like a butterfly!

    me- no

    7. mind-numbing migraines
  • 0
    syd- difficult to say. Id wager you dont actually have migraines, just think bad headache=migraine. oxford's def has a prereq of established "normal thought"... questionable to dubious on multiple fronts

    me- genuinely unsure if i "have" (present, or future) migraines.
    Apparently HHV6 has been attacking me since ~8, reached CSF\brain stem over 6-12 yrs ago... caused extreme migraines and literally prevented normal thought... +transient amnesia, sudden syncope and subclinical to clinical focal aware seizures. 1mo ago, was basically diagnosed\put on antivirals... oddly, by an eye doctor due to a specific autoimmune response suddenly causing a corneal ulcer.
    2d later, not a single migraine or any of the transient amnesia, etc. since. so... idk?

    8. carpal tunnel
    syd- if so, learn decent posture and eat more stuff with tons of capsaicin (red spicy peppers\paprika) and turmeric. ex. most indian food

    me- no, but tbf, only R hand works\types, plus L wrist already had nerve sheath removed
  • 0
    - what do you think a substance is?
    1. a particular kind of matter with uniform properties.
    the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence.

    to your prompt

    yup, def a dev... but moreso a software engineer... amoung other things.

    r u a dev?.. i mean, your list contradicts itself, openly declares you as having episodes of "pure" psychosis...

    is now real? how would u know if the 'episodes' are pure\total\no tether, breaks from reality? maybe now is the "pure" manic psychosis and whatev u think is a manic episode is reality. how can u ever know for sure?

    you gotta be way more specific w\ the definition of drugs\pills, and dependency. seriously, back in high school there was this creepy kid by a friend's house always looking to buy xanax. for 3mo i sold him the placebo "reminder" pills of my birth control packs. technically he was dependent on pills... placebos that he convinced himself made him high.
  • 0

    What would it cost us, per year (in USD), so that we get you to shut the fuck up?

    Legit question btw.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy lol.... "we", adorable.

    sidney, you cant afford to get me to do anything.
  • 0
    @awesomeest go fuck urself, whore.
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