
Hey guys,
Excuse me for my bad english in advance. I am not a native speaker.
I wanted to ask if someone has experience with humanoid robots.
I am currently searching for a master thesis in IT and have stumbled upon one offer at which you are supposed to realize a humanoid robot. At the end the robot is supposed to be able to bring coffee to people. To come to the point. On the one hand I have always wanted to do something like that and I think it would be a lot of fun. On the other hand I fear that the project might be too difficult. In the offer it is said that you should assemble the robot yourself. I have a little bit experience with arduino but in general probably not very much electrical knowledge, only knowing the base principles. The time limit would be 6 months, which in my opinion might be very little time.
So my actual question is: Do you think that such a project is realizable with some help of the engineers within 6 months or something compareable? I fear that that the task itself would be a handful in this time span with a fully assembled robot.

  • 1
    I made the exact same thing (except it brings out the trash) in like 2 weeks sooooo
  • 1
    Wow! Did you have any prior experience?
  • 1
    Not really, i watched some arduino videos on youtube and kinda knew about circuits from my engineer friends and thats it

    (@mention someone with the reply button or they wont get a notif)
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