
Happy 0x7E2!
Fun fact:
2018 = 2 x 1009 (both prime)
8102 = 2 x 4051 (both prime)

Let we all finiah at least one side project this year!

  • 2
    My spidy sense is telling me that 2017 was a prime too 😄
    Could be wrong tho 😄

    Edit: Booya! It was! I love my spidy sense 😄

    Happy new year!
  • 0
    @okkimus no, 2 and 1009
    @Froot and 2017
  • 0
    Ah okay :)

    Happy new years!
  • 8
    porn if you read this
  • 1
    And for those interested in even more primefactorization: http://eigenanbauer.de/dev/...

    All natural numbers from 1h to FFFFFFh presented as prime factors.
  • 0
    Your expectations are way too high!
  • 1
    12/20/2012 (U.S.A. format) was the last palindromatic date for quite a few years
  • 2
    @b3b3 Oh god he really should have added dynamic loading to that page 😄
  • 1
    @Froot That's my page 🤗 I made a tool for school coz I have to write 30 pages about prime numbers and this is a small part of it. I was hoping browsers to download it (that's what the .facs fileending should be for. Why the fuck do browsers open .facs?? Instead of downloading them). I'm not a webdev. The only thing I'm able to do is a simple black on white layout using a table. So I don't know what dynamic loading is but I guess its some client side script loading only the needed parts of the 400MB file so the page actually loads
  • 2
    @b3b3 Exactly. You watch the scroll position and fetch new values from the server as it increases. Not difficult to set up just requires a bit of JS and paging support on the server (also easy)
  • 1
    Porn 😐
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