My last post was a year ago. What brought me back here is the ability of AI to agree and apologize to anything and everything, while producing the worst hopeful code.

4 days I wasted, trying to make an android audio visualizer, but AI... sigh.
It gave me the wrong structure of FFT bytes emitted. I corrected it
It gave me the wrong logarithm calc, I corrected it
It gave me the wrong sampling rate, I corrected it.
It gave me the wrong texture order, I corrected it.
It gave me the wrong glsl sample2d, I corrected it.
It gave me the wrong textureID generation, I corrected it.
It gave me a render which was about 10 fps, I found out that instead of using native onDraw, I had a fcking delta time in my shader. I almost corrected it, I gave up

Lets go to code generators with Annotations.
Like always, starts very positive, until I start to correct it.
It gave me the wrong file locations, I corrected it.
It gave me the wrong order of find copy modify and write to .build, I didnt correct it.
It gave me regexes to find annotations. Im like So whats the use of an "ANNOTATION PROCESSOR"
It apologizes and used a fucking regex in the processor,..... I didnt correct it, in the end, I was left with a separate module, targetting iOS Android and JVM, with an annotation processor implemented in jvmMain, which tries to modify commonMain src by finding annotations with regexes, which wont run on app build or app sync project, but only on java -jre command pointing to that fucking .java class in that module, which takes at least 2 mins to run, and Finally generate 0 files.

I needed to rant, I understand LLMs are just models of words built and stolen from the most intelligent and dumbest people out there. But Im an idiot for getting my hopes high. I cant build anything new and unheard of. I used to do that. I once made a textView + image print util for a bluetooth printer just to say FU to libraries and heavy sdks. like literally rasterizing shit to bluetooth packets. I needed to let off some steam. I havent been here in a year so I dont know what reactions I can get from this rant. I bet someone will just say yeah we tired of 'Fuck AI' rants. but shit, it hurts. When I gave up on that visualizer, I downloaded an app, I think its called project M, like in reference to MilkDrop.. like the Winamp Milkdrop. I opened it, played something on spotify, and let my eyes go blind

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    Don’t worry about our reactions, mate. Just let it all out!
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    @Lensflare well, your response was swift ...
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    I made an addon for the game engine T3D that would capture audio on the output of windows. Basically anything you played or heard on windows I could parse. Not sure if this would even work in Windows 10 because of DRM bullshit.

    I used kiss fft for the audio processing to get band data (terms? haven't played with this in a long time).


    I could do frequency visualization or just look at raw audio:


    Mind this is for a game engine but some of it should be recognizable. I ended up drawing quads for the audio "lines". Probably an antiquated way to do this now.

    I have been meaning to make a module like this for Godot. Just haven't gotten around to it. I am posting this so maybe you can get some ideas. I am not entirely clear why I threaded this, but I did. I assume it was so I could offline the fft.
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    Here is using inside the engine:


    Was the shader code tricky? I have not done a whole lot of shaders.
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    @Demolishun I ++ this, I might not check it, I'm slowly getting the hang of audio these days, because i do have another hobby project in py, and feel free to steal the idea, but it's like audio file > stems > useful values >>> wled. Something like xlights but no manual input in making a light sequence for each song/audio file. Probably your game might like that feature. Just don't be too hopeful
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    @Demolishun for me shader 'for android' isn't hard. I did it once in compose and for the current company in a gl surface view. The hard part it's trying to make code from shader toy work for mobile, someone already did it but I had to learn. As for fft i ended up using something similar to kissfft, there's a wrapper library in kotlin
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    @geneticCode yeah, my guess in Android is a different animal than PC. I have not really touched Android dev, not sure I want to.
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    @Demolishun you probably don’t want to.

    Unless… if you stick to Kotlin and Jetpack Compose, you might get an experience which doesn’t make you question whether putting your hand into a meat grinder would have been a more enjoyable thing to do.
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    @Lensflare I will just use Godot and target mobile. Then I can be in the game engine fucked up world instead.
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