
And so it happened.
My company installed app-operated locks in the office.
Today the internet went down during the night and nobody could get in to even get their laptops to work from home :))))
Brilliant move and there's certainly not been anybody who could have predicted that.

  • 1
    So, free vacation?
  • 5
    Yeap, we had it too. On top that it's very inconvenient to open a door with app (get phone, unlock phone, open app, click button). It's more about easier access control than with keys. It's not for your own benefit.

    Our internet didn't went down, often the api of the lock itself was down. Very sad
  • 3
    ha, that's the fun part, ours is insecure enough that it opens even if the phone is locked. I couldn't have come up with something stupider even if I tried
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