
Isn't it wild how everything’s turned into a subscription these days?

I’ve started building my own ad-free tools and plugins just to dodge all those monthly fees for AI, SEO, WordPress, server tools, and addons.

...Yet somehow, I’m still shelling out about $200 a month. The irony, right? 😅

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    You have 200,- on subscriptions?

    I have (in euros):

    - phone (30,-?) (heavy user, but probably will spare some euro switching)

    - health insurance (130,-)

    - youtube premium (11,-)

    - spotify (8,-?)

    - google one drive (2,-)

    Hmm, maybe 200 on subscriptions isn't that weird. My list is pretty standard right? Also, my house is kinda subscription, since i didn't buy it :P
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    I'm afraid that this trend will soon come irl and will have to subscribe to a local bakery and what not
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    @We3D could be awesome, all you can eat for certain amount? Let all your friend subscribe to some different shop and share all the stuff like a Netflix subscription. Life's only expensive if you don't have friends. Motivates to make a few :P

    Edit: it already is a dystopia. Cars with seatheaters you've paid for but not enabled. Car manufacturer says: you didn't pay for it, the people who did enable it, paid for it. It''s a bit weird, look it up. But according to them, they didn't let you pay for the seatheater. It's some construction. Sure
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    @retoor it certainly will have some good sides in that, but will have a negative impact too. imagine your car won't even start bc you haven't paid one of it's subscriptions, and yeah we already have such things as your examples points out and essentially you can get to a point where all of your income is linked to an subscription and the only way to add a new one is to remove one of the current, and we all see that they do that process as painful as they can, plus you probably have to hire some accountant to handle your subscriptions in order to reduce unnecessary loses
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    @We3D nah, the car kinda has a gasoline subscription already and it refuses to start if you didn't pay that 'subscription' for a while. Regarding to car, not much changes i guess.

    Income is already kinda linked to subscription. Take your mortgage, you only can get a mortgage if you have income enough. Else you have to pay the higher tear - renting. Being poor is already more expensive
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    Lmao imagine paying for YouTube, in return they remove dislikes and make the platform worse from year to year
    ublock origin + sponsorblock
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    @devRancid even worse, they removed dislikes during covid period. Many downvotes under the covid stuff. Gone. While such huge thing is happening removing such core functionality.. Doesn't feel right
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    Wild... Yes...
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    @retoor hmm i only have these

    youtube revanced ( 0,- )
    youtube music vanced ( 0,- )
    megakino.to ( 0,- )
    germany ticket ( 30,- )
    phone+data ( 30,- )
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    @devRancid ublock origin + sponsorblock + returnyoutubedislikes api :)
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    @joewilliams007 oh damn, that megakino doesn't count. It sucks, hard & deep. That you seriously can use that
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    The one that blows my mind the most is how you need a subscription to be able to use basic stuff in new cars, like seat heating or navigation.
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    @Lensflare the only good thing about it is that it applies to cars I can't afford anyway. I can relax. When I buy such car second handed it probably doesn't have the API service to enable / disable the seating heater anymore anyway. Bricked. Can remove it for weight reduction or sell it for parts. In future your car becomes unusable because a deprecated API. Can't open the electric window anymore. But that's ok, they added the rotating handle back for just in case
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    @retoor megakino has more content than all streaming services combined. Oh and yea, you should use adblock for using it. Elsy i use Netflix from daddy
  • -1
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    @joewilliams007 don't watch Netflix, watch tsoding! Completely free and you'll sit on the tip of your chair ;) He wrote a JIT for brainfuck. Amazing content. He always tries to prove that you can do anything with any langauge. Therefor he even wrote a C parser in PHP. Talking about useless but impressive. The amazing thing about him is - at least on camera - does it in one attempt. That's in case of writing a parser / interpreter quite impressive. When he fails he says - and this is the content you pay for (twitch subscribers)! Famous phrase: "Can your rust(or other language, often Zig) do that? I don't fucking think so!"
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    @retoor hmm only tip of "chair"?
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    @joewilliams007 any tip, you won't notice. You'll look in tsoding's dreamii eyes. In the end of the of the brainfuck JIT episode he get's crazy when it works, freaking beautiful that enthousiasm. It's bit like me
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    @retoor while I get what you are saying, I still want to remind that anything is possible in any language. That’s the thing with Turing completeness :)

    But I appreciate many things like meta programming, which are impossible or just too complicated to do in some languages but very easy in other languages.

    So, if someone says that language doesn’t matter because you can do anything in any language, then it’s technically correct but practically absolute bullshit! 😂
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    @Lensflare something more he did: he wrote a native compiler for a language called forth (originally interpreted) in python. Called port.. When python was able to compile his language, he wrote the language in his own language so he got a "self-hosted" language and could remove the python file. It's called bootstrapping. It's like the C compiler is written in dem C. It's very impressive how he does it. It's kinda the only youtuber with speed / entertainment enough regarding coding to really watch. I do expect that he studies quite a lot before his live sessions, else he's really a genius. He's very good at talking and coding the same moment and explaining his reasoning. I'm total fan. I should send him a email to try the wren language, he likes to do weird stuff
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    @retoor yup, every self respecting language should be self hosted :)
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    @Lensflare especially brainfuck
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