
DevRant-Stats Site Update:
Future projections & Live General Section

Added some future projections like SocialBlade, where you can see your score in the future, according to the stats in the last 30 days. Therefore it will only be available after storing the stats for 30 days.

Also made the complete "General" section live now, and replaced "Live Score" with "Devrant++ Member since".
So now the values are updating every second! (Using EventStream so not working in Edge Browser lol idc)

Have fun!
Feedback is appreciated!

  • 1
    Everything about it is impressive. Great work!
  • 1
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    Because there are always some new people not knowing anything about the site:
    Here's the link -> https://devrant-stats.github.io

    Oh and read my other rants with this tag. I don't want to repeat myself all the time.
  • 2
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    Previous comment :)
  • 2
    Awesome. Dude.
    I think I just saw one of the best mobile friendly website today.

    You are awesome.
  • 2
    @Skayo btw, when does it throws user not found?
  • 0
    If the user is not a DevRant++ Member. Look at my other rants.
  • 2
    @Skayo and if (s)he is a ++ member but, still user not found?

    And your devrant stat is only for ++ members? That's sad. 🙁
  • 0
    If he/she is a member it should be found. It's updating every day at Midnight.

    And sorry haha. As said in my previous rant, I'll maybe add a way to manually add users who want to see stats for them.
  • 2
    Btw, I got mine.

    Ranked 29th. Interesting. Not bad. 🤔
  • 2
    @Skayo I think you are missing some ++ members.

    Check for MojoJojo. She is a ++ member for a long time now.
  • 2
    Is it possible that you where a member some time ago?
    The system is only adding/updating not removing users.

    Oh and @MojoJojo isn't a member?

    Btw the rank is only for the users in the system. Not complete devRant. If you are wondering.
  • 3
    @Skayo Ok. She was. I was outdated.
    My mistake.
    But, I think I breached your system, and still getting updates. 😎😜

    You can consider me to not remove as a reward and fix this bug.
  • 0
    Lol I didn't know that, sorry.
    I removed some things which I don't need anymore because of the live data.
    Could you tell me what you've used?
  • 1
    can't you do with non supporters? Is there a specific reason why?
  • 0
    Why aren't you using the devRant API?
  • 1
    The devRant-API has this already.
    The key is "dpp" (hidden at the very end) and is 1 if the user is an supporter and 0 if he's not.

    So to check with the username you first have to make an request to "/get-user-id" of the devRant-API and then to "/users/<id>". There is the dpp key.
    If you don't understand this, I can make a pull request if you want. :)

    It's also possible to use the "/devrant/supporters" endpoint and check if the user is in the list. Don't know which is faster...
  • 1
    Why can't I search dfox or trogus? Both show up as User not found.
  • 1
    They are somehow not in the supporters list
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