
So I just wanted to log back into windows. Typed in the password. Wrong password...
Then I tried being super accurate while typing and also checked keyboard layout, etc. Still, wrong password.
Then I noticed that the letter p is not working. Shit, keyboard seems to be broken.
On screen keyboard -> p is not working...

What the hell? What kind of error is this?

NT Kernel code has to be something like this:
if(timeSinceLastError > someValue)
keyboard.p.enable = false;

I guess you could also replace the keyboard error with some random error.

If you encounter this, restart Windows.

  • 1
    @7root it's meant to be pseudocode
  • 1
    Windows can get really creative bugs if you let it run too long and put it into sleep mode regularly.

    When you can't select anything on the desktop anymore and Explorer randomly mixes file/folder icons you know it needs a reboot.
  • 0
    It's P'd off at you. 😂

    Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
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