
Useless meetings 🙄😮‍💨

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    Drop if forcefully pulled after adding a note as to how greatly useful it is
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    is there any other kind? My company uses an intercom, because email is too fucking complicated, apparently, and I'm legitimately losing my god damned mind. If you're addicted to being a fucking cunt who wastes everyone's time, at least do it in email where I can ignore you in peace.

    We had an all hands meeting yesterday so that the managers could joke around and grab ass about matters utterly unrelated to business. I've tried to explain that these constant pointless interruptions are expensive, not to mention disruptive and infuriating to me personally, but it's just one more thing that they don't listen to me about.
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    Doh, I thought I had seen that. lol
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    @mostr4am That's fucking right!
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    redundant redundancy.
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