
People who introduce unnecessary powers of 10 into calculations in the name of making things easier to understand, should be strung up by their testicles.

Like (1+r/100)^t for compound interest. Or saying the value of something is 1.5, when you might mean 1.5 or 150 or 0.015 depending on the context.


And then other people have to write code that moves decimal points around, and inevitably gets it wrong, and the stupidity gets passed around like a dose of the clap.

Just write down the actual fucking number. You're making it more confusing, not less, and pouring yet another bucket of shite onto the dunghill of human stupidity.

Unnecessary power of 10 => rope + testicles + tree.

  • 2
    If the offender does not have testicles, and they don't realise that these are metaphorical testicles, then they should have a pair sewn on in order to perform the ritual.
  • 2
    Sounds like an excel sheet "app" 🙂

    Also, numbers representing a value between "none" and "whole/all" should be 0.0 to 1.0, not 0 to 100.
  • 1
    Or just cut two fingers (not thumbs tho, those are necessary for tool usage) then you can use base 8!

    ... Probably do it around the time fire was invented, so you don't have to redo all of math history.
  • 0
    You gigachad
  • 2
    @electrineer Or maybe megachad or millichad depending on the context.
  • 0
  • 0
    Looks like somebody leaked their "back of an envelop" calc into the source code!
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