
Working two hours on this FFS. Three the same laptops:
- Two USB sticks of different brands working on two of the laptops. One doesn't work.
- BIOS versions: the working two are from 2018 and 2020. The not working one is from 2022.
- BIOS settings: 99% the same, especially where matters. Literally went trough every menu.
- I thought, maybe the 'new' 2022 BIOS has a buggy - so maybe update BIOS? Everything only for windows on Lenovo website.

I installed xubuntu on it before. All laptops say "cant find /boot" but on two of them it's not a problem and they run the live USB stick with option to installii. Since I installed it before, the BIOS version is probably not the issue.

If i close my eyes i see swastika's.

Detail: the not working laptop is the one that i wrote the xubuntu iso to /dev/sda (what was the hard drive, see a few rants ago). For some reason, it aggresively boots from that one. I do see my USB stick working (very busy flashing light). Is it maybe possible that it mounts my HD as installation cdrom? The HD contains those files.

Anyone tips?

  • 2
    Some good news on the side - one of the laptops that worked with the USB-stick was also broken. That thing is now correctly reinstalled again with no issues. So, now I have two working laptops. One broken. That's something.

    Funny side note: I didn't repair that laptop because i couldn't find the hard drive for it. Didn't know where i left it. It was inside the laptop. I've searched and searched a while ago. Omg...
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