Deleted over 1'500 lines of code over the last 2 days and replaced it with 80 lines of readable, simple, generic code.

And I'm feeelin' gooood 🎢

  • 11
    Be careful! This shit is highly addicting!
  • 10
    @Lensflare I know, I know.. I could spend all my time refactoring.. but this time I actually got permission to spend time on itπŸ˜…
  • 5

    What the fuck? But how?

    Please don't tell me that it was all dynamic programming stuff to figure out the smallest matrix to optimize matrix multiplication and you have replaced it with list_of_matrixes.reduce((a,b) => a.mul(b)).

    Or maybe an implementation of an 2-3-4 tree that was replaced with a std::vec?

    Or was the code written by complete beginners which ignored all framework features? Had that once.. That was horrific. They also stopped to use migrations because it was so complicated and changed the database directly. Had no local development environment. Could only see if their changes worked when deployed. It was dreadful.

    We were called back in to sort that out again.
  • 1
    @TrayKnots i think I've written such tree and it was around 80 lines of code (in c) 😁
  • 2
    That's some serious code diet.
  • 0
    So, any business value added by that move?

    I don't really care, I love doing such maneuvers.
  • 0
    @PurgeXenos yea, indirectly. Development speed and probably less bugs in the long run.
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