
How do you manage burnout as a developer while maintaining productivity on tight deadlines?

  • 9
    Stop giving a shit about deadlines. What gets done, gets done.
    If the deadline is missed, it’s the problem of the guy who set the deadline.
  • 3
    By not being a spam bot, fuck off
  • 2
    practice the following phrase:

    "that's not possible, trust me, this will fail"

    use whenever someone sets a deadline that's too tight.

    after stuff has failed because $managersAreIdiots, try the phrase "i told you so"
  • 2
    @mostr4am calm down and take your meds
  • 2
    @Lensflare preferrably all of them at once
  • 0
    Sleep enough... at least 8 hours. 9 recommended for a fresh day.
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