
Best place to learn Android development?

  • 4
    home, I guess
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    jokes apart. try tutorials point
  • 1
    You can probably try any of the free courses on Udacity. You could also go the way I went and just read the docs.
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    @MLK97 , you deserve raising my hat and to become yours,
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    Xamarin has countless tutorials and over 300 sample apps if your a C# dev.
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    There's one tutorial on Android from devslops google that or search for it on udemy... Super awesome beginner to paid Jr professional course
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    I found rob perceivals 'complete android developer course' on udemy quite good, it starts from zero, perfect if you haven't got any java- and android-knowledge
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    My method was to try build something rather than doing tutorials. Most of them would hardly reflect the things that you would encounter on a real-life scenario.

    It does not have to be original.. It does not have to be the next Pokemon GO. A simple calculator would work. Just build something. By the end, you'll realise that you have learnt a lot of things not covered by the majority of tutorials available on the net.
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