I was told during my initial interview that the book "Clean Code" is their Bible here.

And it's true. It's lying, unread in drawers and shelves all over the office.

  • 21
    To bad. Its a very good book.
  • 3
    Surely you can argue about some of his thoughts, but saying that he is laying is quite harsh I think 🤔 Where is he lying in your opinion?
  • 4
  • 3
    @daemonAD @shellbug
    Oh 😅😂
  • 4
    @puzzlesdev yep, I meant lying as in "left lying around"

    As for the actual book itself, I think it's very good and has lots of good points. It's not a "Bible" to be obeyed without question but it at least makes you think about what you're writing
  • 8
    @PuzzlesDev @DasKoder I think the biggest problem with the book is not what it does wrong, but what is missing.

    It uses Java, which is already a bit opinionated and strict. It also sets some nice rules for OOP by proposing some FP-light paradigms, and applies less to FP antipatterns.

    I think the most problematic language which needs a book like this would be Javascript (although it would be controversial, because JS is so flexible). But similar patterns exist in Go, Rust, Haskell, Kotlin, modern Java, C#, etc.

    For example, it doesn't teach devs about antipatterns concerning asynchronous/parallelized code, or higher order functions. It mentions that switch cases are acceptable to work with polymorphic types, but that is unclean, a pattern match on ADTs prevents the need for exceptions.

    It's a very good book, and it's even aging very well, but I think it will eventually need an updated version for the changing language landscape.
  • 3
    Laying around*. I think. Lieing? Liying? Idk English is hard
  • 1
  • 1
    @hitchhiker42 It actually says in the picture @shellbug sent...
  • 0
    Took me a few good seconds to understand "it's true. It's lying".
  • 2
    @bittersweet I think you should go with the principle and ideas and just ignore the specifics when applying it to other languages.

    The ideas behind writing clean code holds but the specifics differ.
  • 1
    All talk no walk typical
  • 0
    As long as we're taking Clean Code, Uncle Bob has an awesome video series that covers all 4 of his books. You can watch most of it on Safari ... Or I'm sure you can find ways to "LEGALLY OBTAIN" it
  • 0
    They should put THAT in every hotel nightstand.
  • 0
    Good read
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