
Keep AudioScribe.io handy whenever you expect pressure during meetings. This tool enables the instant scripting of any discussions so that constructs of the several issues talked about are readily available. If it’s a team meeting or remote calls, AudioScribe.io assists you in retaining all points so that you do not miss out on action.

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    Bite me.
  • -1
    @donkulator Hi there! Let’s keep the chat positive and focused on helping each other out. If you have any questions or feedback about AudioScribe, I’m here to help!

    I spent several months creating a product in this hyper-competitive market, and now I’m trying to introduce it to the world. If you have the chance to test it and give your professional feedback, that would be wonderful.
  • 0
    @AudioScribe You think I should entrust the recording of confidential meetings to someone who drops spam on random forums?
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