
I miss dvd extra features.

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    We've lost some things in the Web world.
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    @atheist been watching Red Dwarf on dvd. Have not been watching the extras yet.
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    @Demolishun I've got the first 8 seasons in a box somewhere, they're brilliant. I can't remember the extras but it's been years since I watched them. Great stuff.
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    @atheist get on it you smee hee!
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    @Demolishun How have I never heard of Red Dwarf? It looks like something that I could like.
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    @mostr4am you think you're worth the time.
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    @Lensflare make sure to watch episode 1 to start. Otherwise you may not get it. It is a comedy space scifi that makes fun of any and all scifis.
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    @Demolishun thanks for the tip. I would have started from the middle otherwise ;)
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    @Demolishun agree.... definitely worth starting at ep1 for the background.
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    @mrgadget are you guys serious? Even the thought of not starting at ep1 is ridiculous for me 😄
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    @Lensflare so I started watching Red Dwarf in Utah on PBS. Then when I moved to Idaho we asked the station to get Red Dwarf. They freaking started in a later season and not at the first season first episode! So not many people wanted to keep the show because they didn't understand the story.
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    @Demolishun ah, I see. The weirdness of classical linear TV.
    I‘m so used to streaming nowadays that it didn‘t even cross my mind.
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    I'm bummed that streaming services haven't started betting on this.

    I just watched some Youtube Short of Scorsese and DiCaprio talking about the 6 films they've done together and I would've loved if Netflix had dedicated an entire page to Shutter Island Extras.

    I would totally watch a film like that for the 9th time if it for example had pauses where Marty and Leo talked about the process.
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