I'm in need of an opinion.

I'm in my final year at my university and have finished all my major subjects. Lately I have been having the feeling that I am under utilizing my ability and That I can do a lot more than what I'm doing in my life.

Just to put into perspective, I have one heck of a resume with senior job positions.

I've been considering leaving or taking a break from my university so that I can at least see where I am in life and to fully utilize my skills to see if I can build a better life than the one I'm currently. Honestly, I have no "Raggrets". I just feel like I can do better now and come back to uni to finish my degree in the coming years.

What would your take be? Would it be okay for me to quit? Since I have epic network and people know me by my skills, I don't believe finding a good job would be hard. And I already have a pretty decent job. I just don't know if I should take a break from university or not.

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    @NoMad I'm actually doing absolutely nothing this year. They can definitely wait until next year. However I feel like I'm wasting tuition and leaning absolutely nothing.

    Since I only have Minor classes left (Physics, History, Language,...) I can take these later too.
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    @Nanos thank you so much for your input. However I should rephrase my statement,

    "I'm actually learning nothing this year".

    For an explanation of that statement, minor classes in my university are pretty useless. They are super long and take a lot of your time while you learn nothing.

    As for jobs, I already have a very well paying job. While part time for now, it will be changed to a full time position upon my request.

    In addition I have a couple of successful SaaS services as well as a couple of successful side projects to back me up after university.

    I had this exit really well planned. However, I just wanted to know if it was wise to leave now and come back later. Because I'm only taking a leave and not dropping out.
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    I am currently in 2nd year of uni, so I don't know if I am eligible to suggest anything, but I would suggest to go through the last year.

    You might feel relieved of completing the degree, and you would have some documentation to show your education.

    You can keep learning other stuff at a slow pace for now, or just make a list of stuff to learn and research about different topics to choose form.

    I had no idea about programming before joining the uni, but after doing my self study, i realised that they don't teach anything useful. But it provides some credibility to your portfolio, I am trying to learn different languages and stuff on the side, even though it's at a slow pace.

    Conclusion, complete your degree. Keep learning at a comfortable pace.

    Good luck!
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    I had a long talk with people I'm close with. I'll be finishing my final year! :)

    Thank you to everyone who commented here. It means a lot really!!
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