
So today I learned i can pay my property taxes online. The way you pay is:

1. Enter address (street #, I live in an apt)
2. It will show all matches **including the owners full name**
3. If you click view, it shows the full account history...

  • 9
    Hahahaha... *reaches for a bottle of vodka*
  • 3
    It's a feature!
  • 7
    Which country? And you should crawl it.
  • 3
    Your account says you're in the US..... I do not find that comforting... lol
  • 1
    My state has been that way for years. It's all public record which is why aggregating it make is so profitable.

    Yep privacy, like god is dead.
  • 0
    @billgates, property information is public knowledge in my country. If you know the address you can request a copy of the title even.
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