Typical TSA (Airport Security)

Security: Please put all of your handheld objects and your outer clothes in this basket.
Me: (puts my bag, in flight luggage, and takes out laptop, bluetooth speaker, bluetooth mouse, bluetooth keyboard, tablet, android phone, dongle bag, and windows phone)
S: (stares at me as if I am a rich kid)
M: May I go through?
S: (nods)
M: (smirks, and goes through metal detector)
M: (oh shit.)
Scanning Officer: Raise your hand!
M: Mmmhmm
S: (Hovers the detection stick around my body, but it doesn't ring, tells me to pass through the detector again. Still rings. Super confused. Asks me to do this 2-3 times more. Still same.)
M: Aha! I have my bluetooth earphones here! Sorry!
S: (stares at me, as if he is saying what a f****** weirdo)
My stuff comes out. I put my devices in the bag. The scanning officer stares at me.
M: (smirks)

To be continued....

  • 6
    Fly to Israel & have fun watching your laptop being xray-ed in 3 diff positions and looking at a powrbank like it will explode.. Oh and please do mention you got a gift from the company you visited...they listed through empty paper notebook 10 times just to be sure there is no secret plans inside..took 2 customs officers to check my profile & finaly a guy at xray machine to confiscade a cheap lighter I managed to bring into the country without problem.. o.O
  • 4
    Fsck, can't modify comment anymore.. :/
    Anyhow here is the P.S.:
    Not mocking their security, I love it & love watching it in action. Love all the big doggos sniffin' around. Would go there again!
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