
Manager: You want a promotion? To senior? Ha. Well, build this web app from scratch, quickly, while still doing all your other duties, and maybe someone will notice and maybe they’ll think about giving you a promotion! It’ll give you great visibility within the company.

Your first project is adding SSO using this third party. It should take you a week.

Third party implementation details: extremely verbose, and assumes that you know how it works already and have most of it set up. 👌🏻

Alternative: missing half the details, and vastly different implementation from the above

Alternative: missing 80%; a patch for an unknown version of some other implementation, also vastly different.

Okay, I roll my own auth, but need creds and a remote account added with the redirects and such, and ask security. “I’m building a new rails app and need to set up an SSO integration to allow employees to log in. I need <details> from <service>.” etc. easy request; what could go wrong?

Security: what’s a SSO integration do you need to log in maybe you don’t remember your email I can help you with that but what’s an integration what’s a client do you mean a merchant why do merchants need this

Security: oh are you talking about an integration I got confused because you said not SSO earlier let me do that for you I’ve never done it before hang on is this a web app

Security: okay I made the SSO app here you go let me share it hang on <sends …SSL certificate authority?>

Boss: so what’s taking so long? You should be about done now that you’ve had a day and a half to work on this.


Fucking room temperature IQ “enterprise security admin.”
Fucking overworked.
Fucking overstressed.

I threw my work laptop across the room and stepped on it on my way out the door.
Fuck this shit.

  • 5
    Oh fuck, no @Root! Did you really rage quite? Damn.
  • 1
    really dope
  • 1
    Daaaamn! I hope you'll find a better place to work at.
  • 1
    Huh, aren't you a senior yet? I always thought so based on stuff. Heh, say no to skip responsabilities and say that a raise is enough. Good luck with your senior shit. Try to buy someone else's loyalty with a stupid title. The people who call you a certain level are mostly not the people able to know your level. Also, if you work X years on certain tech, you're a senior by default i guess. Varies from 5 to 7 years.

    A very good programming guy with 3 years experience (in total, no other ltech) will never be a senior in my eyes. There's so much more than coding. Working in outsourcing does actually level up pretty quick
  • 4
    @retoor Yes, but not officially here. At my last job I was the lead developer. Likewise for the job before that.

    While interviewing, during hiring, etc. at $work, the hiring managers and the VP all said ”we only hire senior engineers” (in various phrasings), but the company didn’t bother with titles at the time, so everyone was just whatever (code monkey, make mistakes and fix them, I make shiny things, dev, etc). Official titles came years later, and HR slowly rolled them out, and not everyone had their title “corrected.” There was no official process, it just kind of happened at random. Now the company hires various skill levels and assigns roles on hiring. All new titles are earned exclusively through promotions (which are handed out primarily to dei employees).

    Doesn’t matter that I have more years of experience than most of the “principle” engineers (and a few of them combined), or routinely fix their bugs. To $work I’m just a “software developer.”
  • 7
    … and I’m burned the fuck out and can no longer care enough or put in much mental effort. I get stuck on something minor and give up for hours or longer because i simply can’t anymore.
  • 0
    Not first time you're stepping on your laptop iirc. I think mine would survive it. I did break a TV with throwing my phone at it on an expensive day while mad, but computers weren't victim yet. If it would happen, my three x270's are refurbished and worth max 3**,-. It won't bankrupt me. I prolly never buy a new device again, refurbished is awesome. In exception of audio, that has to be new
  • 1
    If you want a mood booster go on the Popular section of Reddit right now. Absolutely hilarious.
  • 1
    @Demolishun I’ve been following it all morning (though not on Reddit; yuck). The memes are delicious.

    I might take a look.
  • 1
    @retoor It’s a work lappy, not personal. I’m years overdue for a replacement, and I really don’t care if they have to pay for it :) But no, it isn’t damaged in any way; it’s just feeling abused.
  • 2
    @Root I have a meme I want to post. But I don't want to be political on devrant. It has more to do with the personality annoyances of the loser.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Likewise. I almost reacted with one, but didn’t want to be political here either.
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