
Our company has a retarded system for external/outsourced employees, incase you don't know in France many companies hire "consultants" that work for other companies, the gain from this is as a consultant your company takes care of finding a job for you and setting you up and all that jazz

In return they take a cut from your salary, the retarded part of our system is, the management of externals is done through a tool, everyone who has access to this tool can see how much these externals are making.

Found most of them on avg in the 100-125k eur/year range

With the exception of one getting paid a whooping 174k eur/year

Assuming the external company takes a 30% cut

That means that most externals in our organization in France get paid around 70 to a 122k/year

I don't feel like working in this shithole anymore.

Fuck my rng, vasectomy should be mandatory for every new marriage in a third world shithole like mine.

  • 1
    Weird that random people with access to a tool can see anyone’s salary

    But the concept of using consultants is common

    I was a consultant for a few years - I didn’t get a high salary - but for the company that got a consultant dev the price was much higher than a regular employed dev

    Are you sure the figures you see are what the consultants are making - or just the expense for the company

    (The expense can be waaay higher than the salary - even for employees)
  • 0
    @jiraTicket That is why I assumed the external company is taking 30% cut.
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