If linux is used and maintained by professional power users mostly, why on earth does it never gets good support for basic things Windows does?

Screen dims while playing video, configuring lock screen to work with DM sucks as hell, you even have to define most keyboard shortcuts manually, Optimus GPU setup always buggy, you have to spend some time just configuring power management to work just fine.

We really need to fix this. I mean I am a Linux addict but time is money too.

  • 2
    BY THE WAY, I am not saying I don't like Linux or these are impossible or anything, we just need to make this stuff work just easily
  • 10
    This is mostly DE things you are talking about, you may need to change it if you are not happy
  • 4
    Never encountered any problems as you described. Runs all right on my machine (void linux)
  • 1
    "you even have to define most keyboard shortcuts manually"

    That's a huge advantage in my book. On Linux you can make a shortcut for every bloody thing, it's amazing.

    And the other issues don't have much to do with Linux in general. The hardware, distro and GUI can have a large impact on the usability.
  • 0
    @RedBorg Screen dimming for example is DE related? Hmm, I never knew. What do you use then? I use xfce4/xfwm/gdm right now.
  • 2
    @RedBorg This. Because I've never had issues with those things...
  • 1
    @OverCoder Yes, screen dimming is connected to the DE. I have 3 different desktops installed on my laptop and every single one of them handles screen dimming a bit differently.
    However most of them allow you to easily adjust it somewhere in the settings, as long as you don't use i3 or something where you indeed have to do everything yourself.
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