
Snapchat is now showing ads mixed in with, and at the top of the list of, your contacts. That’s in addition to the un-removable “Team Snapchat” contact, and a ChatGPT-2 model “My AI” that is permanently fixed to the top of your contacts list and once told me that some completely random politician, who was not even in the race at any point, won the 2024 general election.

Snapchat, I realize your business model was never designed to be profitable but FUCK you for dying in such an annoying way.

  • 1
    Wasn’t snapchat designed for self deleting nudes?
  • 0
    @Lensflare it’s also nice for long distance relationships because you get to see each other more often than if you were just to text
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm how is this different from any other IM?
  • 2
    @Lensflare realistically any would work, but the auto-delete and ease of snapping a photo real quick by double tapping makes it the correct environment for such a communication. Otherwise the chat would just be filled with ugly photos of yourself that you are required to review each time you enter the chat
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