
One would assume that "view conditions and accept" shows the fucking conditions and then lets you accept them if you want to. No. By clicking this button I automatically accepted it, and then got them shown for me. Which meant that I had to pay a fucking fee, because the conditions said so. That would be fair if I had seen the fucking conditions before accepting them. Fuck off everybody, I don't have time for dealing with this, I was sick the other day and now I have to work extra hard while still recovering to make up for it and now I have to deal with your crappy support just because you can't design a fucking ui? Whats wrong with you!!!

  • 1
    @Alice Tecnically I had the chance to view the conditions. The button was in an email and I could have manually opened the site in the browser and looked at it there. But I assumed that the button would lead me to the exact same site so I just clicked that. Might still be illegal, I am not so sure. Currently trying to get at least most of my money back (thats the problem with paypall, everything goes automatically). Fuck everything.
  • 2
    @Alice Yeah probably. Good thing we have the Verbraucherschutzministerium - one of the few times german bureaucracy actually helps people
  • 6
    Upadte for anyone interested: I contacted their support and threatened to sue the shit out of them. I already got my money back. Even with processing fees, which I thought I had lost for good. Sometimes it helps being a bit of an asshole.
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    @ArcaneEye I understand. And I totally agree. Of course you have to see who is an asshole to you: The person you talk to or their boss. If it is their boss, don't let it out on them, they are people too. If the person infront of you is directly responsible for your situation, go for it. That is why I try to be freindly to support people, they have it bad enough.
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