
My roommate's CS Prof literally makes them print their code on PAPER (max 80 chars to a line) and submit it to his physical dropbox across campus. This includes end of term projects where a single submission might have literally 20 pages of code.

I don't know what to say.

  • 2
    How do he compile the code then?
  • 1
    @zvyn I'd prefer Piet. Insanely hard to program but also impossible to read.
  • 10
    Universities are often very stupid and with a lot of bureaucracy. I've had to do the same before.

    In my first year one of the requirements was code with 'some glitter'. By this I think they meant do something interesting. Instead I put some sticky glitter on the paper before I handed it in.
  • 2
    What the heck
  • 5
    I had a friend who's prof always forced everyone to start their arrays at [1], because that is how it is done in math.
  • 3
    Hey at least you can't have a tabs vs spaces war ;)
  • 1
    @Rakota Because additional checks to discard index 0 makes code more readable!
  • 1
    @Rakota Fuck those useless heaps, amirite? 😬
  • 2
    Well we still write our CS exams on papers, and teachers will punish you if you miss ; (not kidding)
  • 3
    Still write all my uni CS stuff on paper, except the labs thankfully...

    This story reminded me of a CS class back in high school where we had to hand in the source code for our final project. A friend and me went overkill and made a chess AI, which cost us 50 pages at smallest font size to print...
  • 1
    I had to do that too. 20 pages of pure code.
  • 1
    on the bright side you become thankful when you return to your computer
  • 0
    The thing is, you can’t even be mad because you’re not the one who’s creating a hell-hole for yourself.
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