I relied on async storage too much now I’m facing the consequences of my actions.

I should’ve used sqllite, wtf is wrong with me

  • 1
    I won't understand the difference in result. In reality, nothing is really async anyway. Especially not file storage. So yes, you could've used sqlite. If you would store three files one by one or at the same time. The total length will be exactly the same. one by one probably even a little bit faster. But if you have three files wherefrom one file is small, that one will be finished earlier async so when it comes to web or smth, that person has his response and doesn't have to wait on the others.

    So that's the thing, why not use async? It's a LITTLE bit slower but it handles the smaller files inbetween faster between the big ones.

    In general, async is nice.

    What are the consequences of your actions? Maybe you should use a semaphore to limit consequential writes? Kinda pooling.
  • 1
    sqlite is the boss for local storage or cache. Amazing library.
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