What do you think is a better side hustle, software services business or building a product and selling.

  • 3
    I am biased towards software service industry. That'd be my number one priority. Working for others and having like 5 clients that are high paying is way better than having a product that you're selling.

    You can always get more clients, but you can't always build a new product and sell it.

    Just my opinion.
  • 0
    Having a saas with subscriptions is the financial dream. So, I go for selling. But what? That's the question. The 99th bookkeeping platform? Doesn't matter if it's the 99th, as long you can sell it. "It exists already" is not always an argument. So I knew someone who made a planner for test drives of car for the automotive sector. Everyone said "that exists already blablabla". He did it and became successful anyway. The market was big enough and got of course all the unsatisfied customers from the competition who was pretty lame.
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