
Tldr :
Office Building : 1
Population: 5000
Number of PC users: 5000
No of Spare mice: 0

Day 1:
Training period commences.
My mouse laser sensor doesn't work.

Solution: Use this mouse to log in to your system.
Open the company portal.
Connect to vpn.
Enter username password.
Create a ticket for mouse replacement.

Day 3
I bring my own mouse.
Confiscated at security.
Becomes a security violation.

Day 9
I get a call from helpdesk.
Agent- what is the problem?
Me- my mouse is not working.
Agent- why?
Me- what do you mean? Something is wrong with the sensor.
Agent- clean the sensor.
Disconnects call.
Marks ticket as resolved.
Me- WTF just happened!

Naturally, I escalate the issue.

Day 15
Level 2 Agent- what happened? Why have you escalated the issue?
Me- I need a mouse, waiting since 2 weeks.
Him- No mouse is available
Me- you don't have a single spare mouse available in an office with 5000 PC users?
Him- no they're out of stock.
Me- when will it be back in stock?
Him- we will 'soon' launch a tender for quotations from sellers.
Me- time?
Him- 1 week.

Day 34

I email the head of supplies for the city office. Next day I get a used super small mouse, which doesn't have a left button. Anyways, I've given up hope now.

Day 45
I become a master at keyboard shortcuts.
Finish my training.
Get transferred to another city.
No mouse till date.

Surprisingly, this was one of the top recruiters in my country. Never knew, MNCs can be so so inefficient for such simple tasks.
Start-ups are way better in this regard. Latest tech, small community, minimal bureaucracy and a lot of respect and things to learn.

  • 2
    Very good... lolol
  • 20
    I wouldn't even wait 45 minutes. I would go to the IT guys and get a new one. And no one can tell me that there is a single IT department in the world, that has no spare mice or keyboards.

    But in our team all electronic stuff that's not needed is dumped in a couple of boxes and if someone needs something he looks there first. Mouse, keyboard and the usual cables are no problem. Ok, there is some really old stuff in there that may be thrown away anyway, but if you do, I'll promise someone needs exactly that thing from 15 years ago that nobody knew what is was for til yesterday.
  • 12
    notsohappypotter* ;P
  • 0
    That sounds awful
  • 8
    The brilliance of the Enterprise. Spend 30 Days and 100 people hours ensuring you get you best deal on a $500 mouse order.
  • 15
    I’ve literally walked out on the first day at a new job because of a similar situation. Had me wait 3 hours to verify my identity at the front desk after a 2 month recruitment and on boarding process (in the same building).

    After sitting for about an hour I just told the woman attending to me “This is no bueno, I’m going home and I’m not coming back.”

    (*Sometimes I trickle Spanish into conversations to seem more dynamic and mysterious)
  • 1
    Or, the computer two spots down develops the same problem, and coincidentally, yours is working. 😋
  • 1
    @brod ++ for mystery
  • 1
    @brod hahaha ++ for the mysterious Spanish 😂😂😂
  • 1
    @ddephor we couldn't get anything directly from IT. Needed to raise a ticket for everything. Why? Because of bullshit policies.
  • 0
    @daksh @brod @happypotter ¿Pero tiene ellos “mystery”? Pienso no. Solo Brod tiene esto.
  • 0
    @happypotter Sometimes you don't have to give a shit about policies and just do what's necessary.
  • 0
    @ddephor I tried to. Became a security violation. Got a couple of warning mails from HR
  • 2
    @happypotter time for butt mouse!
  • 0
    @brettski nailed it.

    Spend $10,000 to save $200
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