That feeling when someone in marketing insists that an unauthenticated user seeing a login form when trying to access a secure view is "too confusing".

  • 0
    To be fair, does your mother know what a secure view is? Is your mother an idiot, or just the salesperson, or are you not explaining your work well enough?
  • 1
    @gorsamp Yes, I am certain my mother would understand what was happening if she clicked on something and was presented with a screen with a login form and a link to the registration form, and has a message "Sorry, you need to be logged in to do that!"
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    @threevolve So did you explain it this way or the way in the title? Your explanation in the title would probably confuse many non-technical people. It would confuse me if you said it fast enough.
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    @gorsamp Yeah, it's almost like this is a site for technical people or something, where you'd expect other people to not need things dumbed down for them ;)
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    @threevolve yeah, so you're probably just shitty to most people. I wouldn't be confused when people don't listen to you
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    @threevolve i didn't ask you to dumb it down, i asked if you used such technical language in your actual interaction. I can see now you just are not a helpful person
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    Man, I don't know why you care so much about this post. They came to me with this, not the other way around, unable to comprehend why any user should ever be presented with a sign in prompt. "Being made to sign in is too confusing for users." Direct quote from the email.
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    @threevolve I was trying to help a fellow developer have better people skills with my terrible people skills.
  • 1
    If I had good people skills, I'd be the one in Marketing complaining about having to sign in ;)
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