Installed i3 on my laptop. Like it so far.. I just need to get used to it, and figure out how to style it easily.. Any tips?

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    Pywal is pretty good, it uses image magick to get colours from your wallpaper and sets the terminal colours to those it can also be used to style the borders and possibly the bar https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal
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    I'd recommend installing i3-gaps, imho it looks very nice.

    Configuration can be really cool, if you want inspiration or examples there's a lot of config files online of other people(usually with screenshots), that makes it much easier to understand how everything works.
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    A great source of inspiration would be: https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn

    Tip: don't just copy files, try to understand how they work.
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    @GCHQ Huh, that looks nice. I like my solarized-dark theme but I'll give it a shot.
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    @deadlyRants yea I quite like it, just be prepared to waste a lot of time trying different backgrounds
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    I installed it some while back and can confirm that copying configs doesn't work. I'm now going in to configure it myself and I recommend to do the same.
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    Looking at configs of other people can be very helpful though, there are always some nice features you didn't think about.

    And copying parts is perfectly fine as long as you know what you're doing and adapt the code if necessary.
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    @dwad @deadlyRants I agree. Any pointers to some good configs?
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    @chaddhag Check the subreddit in my first comment. You should find something to your liking!
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