The magical solution to everything.

It reminds me of the time when we were watching The Great Gatsby movie in honors English class. The the projector wouldn't work.

As a joke, one kid said, "try turning it off and turning it back on."

The whole class roared with laughter, until it actually worked. They stared at it in silence.

  • 8
    When it’s just that the program halted, the shutting it down and then starting it back up works fine
  • 9
    One day, AI will also become so smart that they will also know turning off and on is one of the best solution to resolve.
  • 1
    @johngreen this is where IoT comes in! Just turn everything into things, connect them to this Internet and put labels on it 'Thing', 'Other Thing', 'Red Big Important Thing'

    Then call ssh my.gov shutdown-all-the-things.sh
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