
Is this design okay?

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    eventually work with cards🤔
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    @Priestoflol this is a recyclerview with swipe menu.
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    @ignuit button? If you mean the swipe menu. Then the whole thing is just 2 giant buttons
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    make the two buttons more decent and not so super bright colors and eventually thin lines between the "recent lookups"
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    @Haxk20 ++ for dark theme
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    @d3vnu11 without the gradient it feels a bit empty. All white bg.

    What else can be done?
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    - Drop the gradient, it looks dated (have just the top bar in blue as an accent).
    - The padding on input fields needs tweaking.
    - It's not clear that each item in that list of interactable and just looks like text, i would use another medium to represent them.
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    Combine those: @PhilWerman @nblackburn and it should be better, its especially important to communicate the function of being able to press something on mobile, since theres no cursor indicators like on desktop, where you get away with it.
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    @JoshBent @JoshBent

    Does the list look better now?
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    @gsharm5u look at those texts, letters like y, p.. etc are cut off a bit. play with padding, margin of text, boxes
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    Open GMail, Google Now app or anything with list from Google. They tend to follow their system style guides. Try to achieve something similar if system matching design is your goal.
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    WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!!!!!!!!!
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    Make the gradient fade out a bit faster
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