I am going to learn JS for a temporary job in June. I never programmed JS only Java since 2 years. Do you have any tips for me?

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    Use typescript if you can.

    And use a linter.
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    And use a good editor. I like vs code.
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    @spongessuck why typescript and not pure js?
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    @MrMarlin maybe look at freecodecamp for js, jquery
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    Offing yourself before you are forced to write the first line of js is probably the most viable solution
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    @BindView aren't you a java guy?
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    Using anything that compiles or transpiles to JS is horrible advice if you don't know JS already. Which brings me to reading the books 'you don't know JS' they are prrtty good in terms of content and friendly imo. There is a lot to learn in JS land, git gud. Theeeeeeen once you are good with it you can go the typescript route .
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    I like typescript too.... but never skip learning vanilla js before diving in any frameworks or js supersets
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    +1 on the linter, it'll help a lot.

    Watch understand JavaScript: the weird parts on Udemy, its normally like 12 bucks and helped me a lot.

    If you're in to books, 3 that come to mind are eloquent JS, secrets of a javascript ninja, and you don't know JS. All free online.

    JS is a language like no other. It's got plenty of... Quirks. But, like the blade, there's honor in mastering it.

    Have fun and godspeed.
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    Thanks for all the helpful comments. Will definitely have a look at these 3 books mentioned by @Crazed . And i will definitely first learn plain JS. Hope i will get the basics and some more in the next 4 months. :P
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    @MrMarlin it's not too bad :) there's only a few parts that are counterintuitive. Also, You Don't Know JS is a book series, so it's a bit lengthier.
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    Study callbacks and promises. You won't belive how many errors you can get because of async/sync code.
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    @jakobev typescript allows you to program using es6+ features while the product will be es5 compatible. You don't even need to declare types if you don't want to. Though the op didn't say whether this would be for browsers or not, so maybe it's a moot point (unless he has to use a really old node version or something).
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    @spongessuck ah ok nice info thanks
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    @spongessuck I don't know yet what I'll have to do exactly, but I don't think that it is the most recent and fancy technology. So typescript will definitely not be a thing for me to learn.
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    Learn the difference between asynchronuous and synchron code. This will save you a lot of race conditions...
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    @jakobev type script brings in... Types. As a Java Guy, he'll find that probably more familiar.

    @MrMarlin if you "create" a class. Meaning you create a function which itself is a object and then prototype it with functions/variables you kind of get oop. Note however that if you call it a second time, you need to reset arrays and such, as they get passed by refference to the new instance.
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    @MrMarlin you can use typescript for anything, as the typescript compiler will make a js file you can use anywhere.
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    Started with free code camp yesterday and i must admit, it's perfect for me to start. Thanks @jakobev and @Cyanide for the tip. :)
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    @MrMarlin you're welcome mate
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